zazen from the side at grailville

About Us

Loveland Zen was started by Nicky Westrick in 2013 as a weekly Zen group in the House of Joy at Grailville. Grailville is a center of The Grail, an international women’s movement.​

We are a group of Zen practitioners from Greater Cincinnati, Ohio. We now meet for Zen meditation on Monday evenings in the Oratory at Grailville in Loveland. We also join the weekly prison meditation group at Lebanon Correctional Institution on Wednesday evenings.​

We practice in the tradition of Bodhi Sangha, the Zen school founded by Zen master Ama Samy. Since the closing of Grailville Retreat Center in 2015 we have also been organizing meditation retreats in the US. We are a group of volunteers. Retreat donations support Little Flower projects in India, i.e., Fr. Ama’s village projects, PEARL center and Montessori preschool.

retreat group photo

Our community

  • bridges diverse spiritual traditions
  • strives to create a welcoming environment for people of all races, sexual orientations and genders, and for people with disabilities
  • seeks to advance peace and equity through inner transition and interpersonal connection
  • fosters international exchange and solidarity through our extended Sangha in Australia, Europe and India.